Integrate Jitsi with Angular Application

During this post, we are going to describe how to integrate Jitsi with Angular Application. But before that, we take a quick introduction to Jitsi.

Jitsi is a collection of Open Source projects which provide state-of-the-art video conferencing capabilities that are secure, easy to use, and easy to self-host.

Create an Angular application: As we know that for creating an angular application we have to execute the command after installing angular cli.

#create Demo Project
ng new meetdemo

After the execution of this command, our angular application has been built now. We can be able to run our application using 

#Run Project
ng serve

Now we are creating a separate component for integrating Jitsi with the angular application.

So for generating a separate component we will use

#generate a meet component
ng new generate meet

After executing our command a new component has been generated in our application. 

Now, We have to integrate our application into the angular application. For that purpose, we have to follow these few steps:

Step 1: Add Jitsi library

To embed Jitsi Meet in our application we need to add the Jitsi Meet API library:

We can


#self-hosted libary which is hosted on your own server
<script src='https://<your-domain>/external_api.js'></script> hosted by jitsi
<script src=''></script>

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