Algorithm Digest #1

Here we are going to explain 5 algorithms

Algorithm #1

convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit

The algorithm to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit is the temperature in Celsius times 9/5, plus 32.

 * The algorithm to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit is the temperature in Celsius times 9/5, plus 32.
 function convertToF(celsius) {
    let fahrenheit= (celsius * 9/5)+32;
    return fahrenheit;

Algorithm #2

Factorialize a Number

Return the factorial of the provided integer.

If the integer is represented with the letter n, a factorial is the product of all positive
integers less than or equal to n.

Factorials are often represented with the shorthand notation n!

For example: 5! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 = 120

Only integers greater than or equal to zero will be supplied to the function.

 *Factorials are often represented with the shorthand notation n!

For example: 5! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 = 120

Only integers greater than or equal to zero will be supplied to the function.
function factorialize(num) {
    let result = 1;
    if (num >= 0) {
      if (num === 0) result = 1;
      else {
        for (let i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
          result=result * i;
      num = result;
      return num;

Algorithm #3

Find the Longest Word in a String

Find the Longest Word in a String
Return the length of the longest word in the provided sentence.

Your response should be a number.

 *Return the length of the longest word in the provided sentence.

function findLongestWordLength(str) {
  let strArray = [];
  strArray = str.split(' ');
  var longestWord = "";
  strArray.forEach(function(word) {
    if(word.length > longestWord.length) {
      longestWord = word;
  return longestWord.length;

findLongestWordLength("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog");

Algorithm #4

Return Largest Numbers in Arrays

Return Largest Numbers in ArraysReturn an array consisting of the largest number from each provided sub-array. For simplicity, the provided array will contain exactly 4 sub-arrays.

 *Return Largest Numbers in Arrays
Return an array consisting of the largest number from each provided sub-array. For simplicity, 
the provided array will contain exactly 4 sub-arrays.

function largestOfFour(arr) {
    let largetArray = [];
    arr.forEach(element => {
    return largetArray;

largestOfFour([[4, 5, 1, 3], [13, 27, 18, 26], [32, 35, 37, 39], [1000, 1001, 857, 1]]);

Algorithm 5

Reverse the provided string.

You may need to turn the string into an array before you can reverse it. Your result must be a string.

 * Reverse the provided string.
   You may need to turn the string into an array before you can reverse it.
   Your result must be a string.

function reverseString(str) {
    return str.split('').reverse().join('');


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